John 20:6-7 says, “Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb; and he saw the linen cloths lying there, and the handkerchief that had been around his head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded together in a place by itself.” After Mary Magdalene announced that Jesus’ body was gone, Peter and (presumably) John ran to the tomb. Younger than Peter, John arrived first but didn’t go in. The “linen cloths” and spices lay in the exact same way around Jesus’ body without his body inside. They had simply collapsed after he passed through them. In contrast, “the handkerchief” that covered his head was folded lying in another area. This was no crime seen as Mary assumed. It was proof positive of his resurrection! In contrast, Lazarus arose with his linen cloths still around him. Never doubt the power of God to raise his Son and us.