John 16:16 says, “A little while, and you will not see me; and again a little while, and you will see me, because I go to the Father.” If this were said by anyone else, such back-and-forth would sound like double-talk. But Jesus was preparing his disciples in Gethsemane for impending shocking events, so this was anything but that. But they were still confused (vs. 17-22). “You will not see me…you will see me” could mean either his death and resurrection or his ascension and Pentecost. “Because I go to the Father” indicates the latter. Their immediate future would be a roller-coaster ride like no other. He told them what they needed to hear. God would work his will for all humanity as well as the disciples. It would all be for everyone’s good. Do we believe that? Whatever happens in life, let’s be confident in God’s good will for us today.