
August 5, 2001

Savior of the Body – Ephesians 5:23

“He is the Savior of the Body.” In a passage many consider to be among the most instructive in the Bible on marriage, we find that […]
July 29, 2001

Unknown God – Acts 17:23

  “To the Unknown God.” This city was like Boston and New York both rolled into one.  Boston, because of its history and all the scholars […]
July 22, 2001

Vine of the branches – John 15:5

“I am the true vine…” The night air was cool, and getting chilly.  Most of the celebrations in the city had died down by now.  But […]
July 16, 2001

Ruler of angels, authorities and powers – 1 Peter 3:22

“[A]ngels and authorities and powers [are] subject to him.” In 1 Peter 3:22 we find that angels, authorities and powers have been made subject to Christ.  […]
July 8, 2001

Lamb of God – John 1:29

“Behold!  The Lamb of God…”                  John had been preaching for months.  Pharisees, Sadducees, soldiers, tax collectors and many others came out to hear him, and […]