John 14:28 says, “You have heard me say to you, ‘I am going away and coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would rejoice because I said, ‘I am going to the Father,’ for my Father is greater than I.” The Last Passover was winding down, Jesus summarized his points to the disciples. He said they would “rejoice” about his returning to the Father if they “loved” him. They did to a degree. But love falters sometimes when tested, and Jesus’ departure was their biggest test. Being with the Father again indicated Jesus’ earthly work was done. The Spirit was coming next. Even better things would follow (v. 12). These are major reasons to rejoice. The disciples weren’t rejoicing yet because they couldn’t see it, but they would very soon. Do we see God’s will through eyes of faith? Let’s do so today and have our love remain strong.