Devotional Observation – February 17, 2017

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Devotional Observation – February 17, 2017

John 19:17-18 says, “And he, bearing his cross, went out to a place called the Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha, where they crucified him, and two others with him, one on either side, and Jesus in the center.” After his trial Jesus carried the crossbeam on his bloody, torn up shoulders. Having no food, drink or sleep, and after the agonizing flogging and extreme bleeding, he is exhausted. Yet he walks about a mile to “the Place of the Skull” for crucifixion. Stripped completely naked and nailed to the cross, he hangs between two thieves. This incredibly barbaric brutality was shocking and painful as it was shameful. By experiencing this he paid for the world’s shame that Adam and Eve caused in the garden. Because of this, shame never need be a factor in our lives anymore. Let’s live shame-free lives to thank him today.

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