August 18, 2003

Authentic Faith – Joseph Tang

Spiritual infatuation, just like romantic infatuation, is all about me.  Initially it seems as though it’s all about God.  New Christians are thrilled with what he […]
August 17, 2003

Obedient – Phil. 2:8

“…he humbled himself and became obedient to death…”  “Which is it?” I asked the Lord.  I went back and forth in my mind.  The issue surrounded […]
August 10, 2003

Redeemer – Job 19:25

“I know that my Redeemer lives…How my heart yearns within me!” When he saw the little sailboat in the store window, his eyes sparkled in amazement.  […]
August 3, 2003

End of the Law – Romans 10:4

“Christ is the end of the law…” It was 1967, and the title of the book was kind of catchy, kind of goofy: I’m OK, You’re […]
July 27, 2003

Omnipresent – 2 Chronicles 6:18

“The heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain you.” This was big…really big: a house for God, the Creator of the whole universe!  Solomon had seen […]